I will have room for 5-10 kids and it will be on a Saturday from 9-12. Date and price is TBD. Please spread the word and if you or someone you know is interested please send an email to [email protected] with your email, phone number, child's name, and grade level.
More info soon :)
I am so excited to teach this to our littles!
When I was a child I would have benefited immensely from something like this. I was not self aware enough to know what made me happy nor did I have healthy coping skills to integrate into my daily life. Instead I adapted by picking up negative coping skills. We take emotional intelligence for granted, even as an adult I still struggle with this. What if we taught it to our kids though? What if we made them self aware? They are at the prime age where they know exactly what makes them happy, it isn’t filtered by any cultural or societal needs. Kids just are.
That is where the workshop comes into play. When a child is having a tantrum you do not teach them coping skills in that moment. They are too emotional to learn. You teach coping skills to them everyday as a preventative measure and you integrate it into their daily lives. It will be less likely that they get to the tantrum stage and when they are there you can help to calm them down a lot faster with the proper coping skills. They may even be able to calm themselves down because they will now know how to do it.
I feel like this is something that is desperately needed and not given enough value. Emotions run us if we let them, children need to be taught how to identify, express, and regulate their own emotions. This also teaches them social intelligence, how to interact with other people. They need to be mindful and self aware to do that. This helps them to be independent and to feel confident to be themselves.
More info soon :)
I am so excited to teach this to our littles!
When I was a child I would have benefited immensely from something like this. I was not self aware enough to know what made me happy nor did I have healthy coping skills to integrate into my daily life. Instead I adapted by picking up negative coping skills. We take emotional intelligence for granted, even as an adult I still struggle with this. What if we taught it to our kids though? What if we made them self aware? They are at the prime age where they know exactly what makes them happy, it isn’t filtered by any cultural or societal needs. Kids just are.
That is where the workshop comes into play. When a child is having a tantrum you do not teach them coping skills in that moment. They are too emotional to learn. You teach coping skills to them everyday as a preventative measure and you integrate it into their daily lives. It will be less likely that they get to the tantrum stage and when they are there you can help to calm them down a lot faster with the proper coping skills. They may even be able to calm themselves down because they will now know how to do it.
I feel like this is something that is desperately needed and not given enough value. Emotions run us if we let them, children need to be taught how to identify, express, and regulate their own emotions. This also teaches them social intelligence, how to interact with other people. They need to be mindful and self aware to do that. This helps them to be independent and to feel confident to be themselves.